PB4L – Positive Behaviour for Learning 

PB4L School-Wide is a long-term, whole-school approach to help schools develop their own social culture that supports learning and positive behaviour. The framework is evidence based. It provides us with a process for considering both learning and behaviour across the whole school, and student by student.

Central Southland College have been part of the PB4L Framework since the beginning of 2015. This journey has given us the opportunity to review and refine our school values and deliberately embed these into all that we do at the College. The students, parents, staff and BOT collectively decided that at Central Southland College we value Honesty, Effort, Responsibility and Empathy. These values and the PB4L Framework are a core part of our school’s strategic plan.

Our HERE-O system enhances our ability to create a positive environment where we acknowledge when students do the right thing. The HERE-O system focuses both staff and student attention on the desired behaviours that are rooted in our agreed values.  This means we “place children in the best position to experience success in their learning and in their social relationships.”